Psalm 119:105 - Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path
Light houses are built on the coasts of various oceans around the world - we have only a handful left across the Northern province. Lighthouses are well-known throughout the world to be a beacon on a stormy, dangerous night at sea; to guide the ships back to the harbour and back to safety, with a strong structure to withstand powerful waves. Years ago, they would have used bells to warn ships nearby, whereas the foghorn is used nowadays, not to mention bringing modern-day technology into it for sending signals to passing ships.
If you have ever watched a film where there has been a mariner in distress aboard a ship, and he comes across a lighthouse, the Keeper sees it in the distance because of their lighthouse, and the mariner keeps his eyes always on that lighthouse as he directs his ship miraculously towards safety. This really is a great picture of us as human beings, where we are going through life’s storms and we are looking everywhere for safety, something to cling to but the waves keep crashing and we feel like we can’t breath. As a Christian, we know we have a Lamp to guide us, as it says in Psalm 119:105, to show us the true path we are to take. We have a glorious Light to illuminate our head and heart when our bodies are frail, our minds are weak yet we have that Hope to follow and focus on, just like the Lighthouse. "When I fear my faith will fail, Christ will hold me fast" is one of the most comforting hymns for the Christian.
Maybe you are facing a trial or have done recently, and the Lord has been a great comfort, the only comfort that has brought you through. Remember Christ as the Great Lighthouse, He lights our feet as we journey through life when we focus our eyes on Him. He shines in the darkness (Micah 7:8), and tells us to follow Him (Matthew 11:28-30), to trust His promises that He will bring us safely to the other side because He is a faithful God (1 Corinthians 1:9).
Dear Lord and Heavenly Father,
I thank you that thy Word, Christ Jesus your son, is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path. I praise you for giving such a glorious light that shines within me. Help me to use that light of hope to share with others the greatest news that is the gospel. May you continue to shine in my own life, regardless of circumstances. And may I be constantly reminded that You know the path that lies before me - help me to trust You and walk in your ways.